History Makers are God Chasers.

History Makers are God Chasers.

History Makers are God Chasers. 394 600 Keir Tayler

At the start of the New Year our family gather about and break bread and pray into the year –  2016.

Our daughter Jenni said something that has capture my attention and begun a theme in my heart.

“The situations you are in won’t define you, they only refine you.”

With this in mind, I feel this year is no different to any other we have lived. It is how you respond to it and not react. To those who are not living in South Africa, we are facing a huge challenge in the nation. Naturally it is scarey, in faith a great possibility – all things are possible.

I believe it is one of the greatest hours for the church and more so for the Christian., because we have an economy that is SUPA – natural…and we advance on our knees and not in parlaiments.

The nation needs change – a new history to walk out – to be remembered by – to define life. So hence the title.

So what is there for us to grasp?

D.L. Moody, said once: “If I can take an unbeliever and get him quiet for five minutes, and in those five minutes have him think about eternity, I can get him saved”.

To walk in the anointing/the supernatural is needed more today than at any other time. We need the anointing or the Holy Spirit to help us in:

  • Raising families.
  • Making decisions or choices.
  • Guiding us in business deals.
  • Marraige.
  • Every challenge in life.

The Holy Spirit is not a weekend girl-friend that makes us feel good, an entitlement, or a guilt free rush on a Sunday. We are to be on fire, in the fire and not in the smoke or periphery of church life. A coughing spluttering testimony giver, with smoked red eyes.

Here are some proven priorities needed in life:

  • Quietness – learn of its power. The Holy of Holies is quiet. In meetings – quietness is where and when His rush comes – He walks in!
  • All glory and honor is His; no showmanship, flamboyance, needed. Any failure in this regard is disastrous!
  • It is not how much prayer but how much surrender to Him. Don’t pray because you have a service.
  • “And if He can trust you – if He can only trust you?” Kathryn Kuhlman’s assistant spoke to a well known young evangelist saying this because he soooo wanted the anointing.
  • You can’t out give God. Whatever you release and give over to Him, He will return through the anointing more than you could ever imagine.
  • Treasures and hearts are linked. Finance is a barometer of the human heart. Find me a man/woman with anointing, you have found a very generous person. You want the anointing – open your hands.
  • The voice of God is heard in His presence, and this enables you under the anointing to speak your words that produce results. Act 1:8 His witnesses – power for service… to do … not goose bumps.
  • Gen 1:2 He was the first manifestation. He will always be the first manifestation in your life.
  • Kathryn Kuhlman said, ”He (the Holy Spirit) is the power of the Godhead; He is more real to me than you. More than all atomic bombs, tornadoes and huricanes put together!”
  • The anointing is totally dependent upon obedience. The anointing, the power, comes through obedience… What do you do with the little He gives you? Obey, and it increases.

In feeding the Feeding the 5000. Mk 6:30

Jesus was with disciples in an sparse area far from any natural supply or shopping malls, taught them a huge lesson.

  • It was in a remote and barren place.
  • It was late in the day.
  • The leaders said, “Send the throngs away to eat. They must go into surrounding district to buy something to eat”
  • Jesus said, no you give them something to eat. In other words you deal with the situation. Take up the responsibility.
  • How amazing that it is only 5 loaves and 2 fish to some it is so little so insignificant to the vast problem.. It is not the amount you give it is the attitude in how it is given.
  • Jesus said bring your nothing to me, and see what I can do with it.
  • Nothing happened when He prayed.
  • All He was taking was a loaf and some fish – all you found. He said, “feed them”.
  • Give some fish and some bread and you still have and so do they; go down the line a piece all the time, all I have is what Jesus gave me yet they have too.
  • The moment you stop giving ‘the what’ or ‘such as I have”, your miracle stops.
  • Don’t protect, withold what you have – dried up ministries.. dried up church. PRAY.
  • In every area. Why not ,’give away your ministry, what you have, such as you have – a crumb of opportunity in the face of 5000, and He will give you something more. Tired of talking about the power and supernatural lets see it.
  • Drought, famine, currency value, fuel crisis, no jobs, so ….. do you have a crumb, a word from God – give it to someone with a compassionate attitude, and 5000 will see, experience the power of God.
  • The church has the answer.

    You cannot love unless you are intoxicated with the influence of His affection, approval, mercy of you.