ROOTS. 751 414 Keir Tayler

W. V. Grant, an evangelist from the “Voice of Healing”, days would conduct two revival meetings a month. He spoke of another evangelist James Richard Dunn. We had the privilege of being under his ministry.

Here are a few notes I made that impressed me:

“It was Sunday night and the house was packed to capacity. People were there from several communities and from all over Dallas. As we opened the door it seemed as if a wave of glory swept into the building. It reminded me of a big truck when it passed you on the highway …
It was 9pm when I gave him the pulpit. All the people were wondering what kind of an evangelist had come our way. I remember when I turned the pulpit to Rev. James Dunn, a man who had been sitting on some back seats hidden from the congregation came to the pulpit. He looked like a man from another world – a man in his late 30’s but the face looked as simple as a child.
He stood silent for a moment, then said, “All Christians bow your heads – if you are a Christian, bow your head. Everyone that is a sinner look at me, I want to pray for you, I want to help you.” They looked at him . They stood to their feet, then that group of people marched down to the front – men, women, boys and girls.
There was man who could command a crowd to do something and they would do it, without any singing, without any introductory remarks, without one word.
That night was the first night.
Each night he preached a message direct from God’s heart.
There is a difference between a sermon and a message. A sermon is a suggestion, a message is a word from the heart of God to the heart of the people. At the end of the message – there were results.
He walked up to people and prayed for them. It was not public as before – prayer cards and prayer lines. It was private and they fell under the power of God. Cancers and tumors passed from their bodies. He picked out the ones that had the power of God on them and laid his hands upon their head, or shall I say touched their head and they fell on the floor under the power of God. You could see them begin to tremble before His hand touched their head. They were on the rug in a nice position. Nothing obscene, but you could tell they were under the power of God.”
Somehow he got into their hearts and they would do anything he asked. They trusted him because he exalted Jesus, honored Him and gave Him the glory.