The Gospel in Ruth – part 3

The Gospel in Ruth – part 3

The Gospel in Ruth – part 3 640 480 Keir Tayler

So Far: A family with names – Elimelech, Naomi, Mahlon and Chilion, set out from Bethlehem (House of Bread), where there was apparent famine, to Moab a place of abundance. In Moab, the two son’s take Moabite wives; named Orpah and Ruth. Sadly devastation trauma’s the family – not only does Elimelech die, but so do the two sons.

This leaves Naomi, Orpah and Ruth alone. The real problem of this torn family is: not the lack of bread but the right relationship with God. It is as if there now comes a choice of citizenship, which country are you with?

  • Joseph was sowed in famine as a slave, was laid in irons, until the word was tested – Ps 105:16-19
  • The same God can send famine and provision.
  • They left God’s vast blessings of salvation (Bethlehem) for bondage of limited boundaries of temporary pleasure. (Moab).
  • Moab gave a tears, heartache, sorrow, loss and 3 tomb’s.
  • Ruth 1:14 “Then they lifted up their voices and wept again; and Orpah kissed her mother-in-law but Ruth clung to her”.
  • It was in Moab that Naomi heard of Bethlehem again – like the lost prodigal (Lk 15 – elder brother syndrome; whose relationship with the father was not “My God and my king”), lead Naomi like the church into slavery of the world. Elimelech preferred law and had a slave mentality, in the house but not of the house.
  • All 3 women left Moab weeping.

Orpah’s Story:

  • Her beginning was not everything .. she set out.
  • 2Cor 7:10  Godly sorrow or wordly sorrow is tested.
  • On the road from Moab, there are many Orpah’s shedding tears, yet deep down they are “still with their people”.
  • She left the road of salvation for she chose the limited life of bondage instead of the unlimited life of eternity.

Ruth’s Story: 1:16-18

  • “Don’t urge me to leave you or return from following you”
  • she had had enough of false prophets and god’s.
  • Had enough of following false paths of religion.
  • “A new place to dwell – where you stay I will stay”.
  • Not sentiment and tradition of denomination.
  • “Your people shall be my people”
  • Love of people follows redemption.
  • “Your God shall be my God”.
  • “Where you die will I die, and there I will be buried”.
  • When you know how to die well – you know how to live well.
  • Between the soul and the Savior it is a matter of pronouns: “MY Lord, MY Savior”.

In Ruth’s decision we can say: ‘when grace moves in a life of a person, they make a decision to change based on that revelation of grace – for life’.

Ruth was not quick in her reply – A time to speak and a time to be silent.

Next we will look at Naomi and how the city was stirred at her return.

I will be “on the road” for a month into 5 nations. So some reports will come up on the next blog. Keep watching!