The World Estate.

The World Estate.

The World Estate. 640 426 Keir Tayler

The World Estate.

Here is an Estate the Master told his servants that he is leaving, but will be returning. And while he s gone they are to bring the entire estate under cultivation.
They began working around the house. They beautify the gardens and the flower-beds. Next year the weeds grow and again they go to work, keeping the lawns in perfect condition. Presently one of them remembers his masters orders. “I must go”, he exclaimed. “Our master told us to bring the entire estate under cultivation.” And he prepares to leave. “But,” they cry, “we cannot spare you. See how fast the weeds grow. We need you here.” In spite of their protests, however, he leaves and begins working in a far corner of the estate.
Later on, two others remember their Lord’s orders and in spite of objections they obey, too, go and cultivate another part of the estate.
At last their master returns. He is pleased as he looks at the flower beds and gardens and the lawns around his house. but before rewarding his servants, he decides to explore the rest of the estate and, as he does so, his heart sinks for he sees nothing but wilderness and swamp, and he realizes that there has not even been an attempt made to cultivate it.
Finally he comes to one man working all by himself in a distant part of the estate and he rewards him richly. He discovers the two in another remote part of the estate and likewise rewards them. Then he returns to headquarters where his servants are waiting and expecting a reward; but his face indicates displeasure.
“Have we not been faithful?” they exclaimed. “Look at these flower-beds and gardens. Look at these lawns. Are they not beautiful? And have we not worked hard?”
“Yes he replies, “you have done your best. You have been faithful. You have laboured diligently.”
“Well then”, they cry, “why are you disappointed? Are we not entitled to a reward?”
“There is one thing you have forgotten”, he replies; “you have forgotten my orders. I did not tell you to work the same gardens and lawns again and again, year after year. I told you to bring the entire estate under cultivation, to cultivate it at least once. That you did not do; in fact, you did not even attempt to cultivate it, and when your companions insisted upon going and dong their part, you objected. No, there is no reward”.

Go; or support financially and resourcefully, the one who will go.

See also ‘The Apostolic Evangelist’ p.113 ‘Heart & Treasure.