Chapter 14 ‘Warriors Reborn’

Chapter 14 ‘Warriors Reborn’

Chapter 14 ‘Warriors Reborn’ 600 600 Keir Tayler

Here is a few paragraphs from book 6 coming soon. “Royal Warriors”.

“There is coming a time when jewels lose their sparkle, gold will loses its lustre and a throne becomes a prison … the only thing that lasts is the love of a father for his child.”

“So in 1980 we were students. I worked on campus doing menial tasks as part of the scholarship I was given. From a senior rank in a special forces unit, to a student. It was such a contrast. Every morning before classes started there was compulsory worship for over 1500 of us students. It was a phenomenal experience.
There was a process that took at least six months of deep wound surgery by the Holy Spirit. The tare in the soul was under construction. (from the 14 yrs of war I had been through).

During this time I would often be on my knees in tears. I did not know why but I knew God’s presence. Walking about the campus I would suddenly sense His presence and tears would flow. In fourteen years of military experience I had not done much crying, it seemed as if I was catching up quickly. I did contemplate asking one of the professors as to why this was happening and then thought it not a wise idea, because how could they counsel someone who had been and done what we did? Not that I was untouchable or beyond help. My answer was – He called me and I followed, He must renew my heart. He is creator I am His created, He is the best person to correct my heart. My prayer was, Lord I am all yours, do with me what you will. Callie did the same because we both went through different experiences and God called her too. We were living off of 100 Zimbabwe dollars a month. The rest of our support came supernaturally. His will, His always”