CREATOR vs CURSE. 1600 1319 Keir Tayler

An extract taken from the new book “The Royal Physician”

“Body was hot and slowing down, it was not well at all. Something was seriously wrong. The temperature showed above normal. Pathogen alarm sirens were sounding. There is an invasion.
Platelets rushed along primary capillary pathways in order to stop the hemorrhage as they carried a vital thromboplastin catalyst. The connective tissue, like muscle, began to quiver under the shock of a sudden invasion. Toxins began to infiltrate illegally into forbidden areas. Neurological pathways accelerated in information to the brain and from the brain, vital coded secret instructions were given.
The Body was under lethal attack. A foreign invasion, a pathogen has illegally broken in!
Bodies mobile defence forces begin to be deployed to set up a defensive and offensive strategy:
Platelets – already there attempting to coagulate the movements of pathogen.
Neutrophil – the first responders, begin to arrange a defence system challenging the invader to the death.
Eosinophil – small potent cells search for any large enemy and pathogenic type invaders. They are ready to release their heavy armour piercing chemical warfare weapons.
Basophil – responding to toxin alert, speed into mop-up positions, and cause all capillaries to swell making passageways easier for the ‘heavy weights’ to engage the enemy. They are like the military engineers.
Lymphocyte – the feared special force killer T-cells move in. Focused, lethal, completely camouflaged in every tissue that needs their offence. They slide undetected into highly strategic positions, like a sniper with a Barrett – 20mm rifle. They destroy anything pathogenic, anything hostile to human life. They are feared and hugely respected.
Macrophage – the big eater slides in, absorbing the pathogenic material marking enemy cells with laser precision using Cytocrine, for offensive immune cells to target The debri is absorbed into the giant rotating sphere and out of it come the exact antibodies for the task … the fight was on.”