Royal Warriors p.78

Royal Warriors p.78

Royal Warriors p.78 270 320 Keir Tayler

Old methods are powerless against new threats.

One day we were in old uniforms, and the next day we were in combat gear. The decision was quick and adaptable; we had to get on with it. So, the traditional clothing like socks, hose-tops, putties, khaki shorts, hats and nobly boots were discarded. Instead, were combat boots, camouflaged denims, belts, harnesses, camo-shirts, berets, and no shiny gear. Parades changed. In fact, even our vehicles emerged camouflaged. We no longer had to paint wheel nuts white on a dull green painted rim. Instead of focusing on decorating military equipment, we paid more attention to its potential uses in various combat situations. We were no longer trying to impress ourselves or the public about how smart we looked. What mattered was how effective we could be in a potential gunfight. Spit and polish translated into survival, counter-insurgency tactics, and how to cause terror and havoc in any firefight. Our method of training shifted to guerrilla tactics: infiltrate, engage and eliminate. We had to keep the principles from previous wars, but the methods for the future had to change. Principles never change, but the ways we apply them can and did change. Why? Because old methods don’t work against new threats. The same applies to leaders or even the average church goer — they must be adaptable, trainable, teachable, leadable, or leave.

Our 6th book will be on Amazon and Kindle soon and be in print by 2014.